Sunday, January 3, 2016

This lesbian girl I Know’s Take On A Particular Popular Television Show (reblog II)

In order to avoid a long-ass intro, refer to the first reblog for an explanation, but once again, this is a reblog from a forgotten blog from Tumblr, with no memory or when it was originally composed 

The Lesbian Girl's Post(a friend):
“American Horror Story: Coven 
Misogynistic & Racist. Offensive & Catty. Women have magic powers & guess what they do…fight each other, pine over a boys, and desperately try to maintain their looks. I HATE it!”

I don’t watch the show personally, and I don’t give a shit about a person’s sexuality, to each his own, live and let live and all that, although at the same time I don’t completely understand why some people base their whole existence and lifestyle around what gender they prefer to fuck, but I guess whatever, I have better things on my mind. Anyway, I saw the above comment about that TV show and it kinda got under my skin and I guess I’m blogging about it to gain some sort of understanding of why exactly it does so. “A bunch of women with magic powers”... So by this particular lesbian girl’s logic, I can see her point in them getting along with one another, but what’s so wrong with pining over boys? does she want them to exclusively pine over girls? is this an “anti male” issue? Then there's the desperately trying to maintain their looks part... To be honest, that seems rather silly, cause although I haven’t actually watched the show, I’ve seen the commercials and most of the women look pretty damn attractive to me, however, I’m speaking from a hetero-male perspective. The lesbian girl that posted this is attractive from my perspective, but from my personal interactions and friendships with lesbians over the years, they seem to have their own ideas and perceptions beauty and attractiveness that differ from mine. As far as any kind of misogynistic and racist overtones, I’d have to actually watch the show, but I have a feeling this lesbian girl is blowing it out of proportion. The reason that I say lesbian girl when I refer to the person who made the comment above is because I know of more than a few females that are NOT lesbian, that identify as heterosexual or bisexual, one of whom I’m very close to that really enjoy that particular television show, that have never made any mention of any of the negative things the lesbian girl is complaining about. In fact all these other girls speak very highly of it, and the one that I’m close to is trying to push it on me, but I’m pretty resistant, haha! Just not my thing.

Anyway, like I said, the lesbian girl’s comment got under my skin and my first thoughts were, “Well, what the fuck should they do, get rid of all the males with magic spells, lick each others boxes, pine over girls, and look like shit all the time?!? Would that make you fucking happy?” I dunno, I’m probably missing the point and overthinking but then again, maybe I’m not…  Who knows? 

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