Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Controversial Cover Pic

"One thing to remember kids… Don’t ever mistake me for a role model, as I’ll likely just end up disappointing you, not to mention, I really don’t want the responsibility of such an endeavor" 
                                                                                                                              Myself 2014                       
used this photo as the cover pic on my Facebook page about six months ago and some people lost their shit! This was back when I still had my original page, the one with close to 900 "friends", that I deleted a few months ago (as of this current time frame). I don't mean everybody, though, a majority of folks that normally "liked" and commented (Back then it was normal for me to receive several dozen)on my pictures and posts didn't touch this one, which at the time was the first indication that I had "struck a nerve" so-to-speak. Back then, I didn't really post a whole hell of a lot because it had kinda gotten to the point with Facebook, when you have that many number "friends" on your FB page, you pretty much have to keep any opinions or beliefs you may hold to yourself unless your willing to open up a can of worms and release a shit storm  of debate and back and forth rhetoric with a bunch of "know-it-all", opinionated,  arm chair activist , smug idiots, who unfortunately, seemed to make up a majority of my Facebook "friends", and I was finding that with each passing day, that I was outright loathing most of them and that very soon, I was going to have to make a drastic change on both Facebook and in my personal life, aka, the "real world".
First I wanna start of by mentioning that I did get a number of “likes” and a few comments from people with a sense of appreciation for my rather dark and morbid sense of humor and "style" for lack of a better way to put it, for the way I chose to "decorate" my personal Facebook page. Maybe it's obnoxious, shocking and tasteless, but so fucking what? You don't like it, don't look at it, You don't like my posts? Feel free to click the "Unfollow" or "Unfriend" button. Problem solved. (believe me, at that point in time, I was beyond giving a shit) But don't come at me lecturing me with your self-righteous bullshit, ESPECIALLY when you know that you have blood on your hands as they say, and you better make damn sure that I don't have dirt on you before you fucking try to attack me...
For example, one of the first to chime in on the "lecture circuit" was Judy, who I go way back with. I've known her since my early punk days, circa 1988, she was a white power skin chick back then, but there was only a few "boneheads" around ABQ back then and they were a bunch of pussy chumps, no biggie. Anyway, she was good friends with Kristin who was the girlfriend of my really good friend Carlos Yambao, of Filipino descent. Judy's boyfriend was this nazi loser named Jeff, so as you can guess, it made for some odd company at times back then...  Anyway, Carlos and Kristin married in the early 90's had a few kids together and divorced at some point, I had moved to California then, and don't know the complete details of all that. Anyway, they'd been apart for a few years, and Carlos was living with a girlfriend and I guess was pretty strung out and OD'd in May of 2001, on cocaine if I heard correctly. SO in this age of social networking, I'd become reacquainted with both Judy and Kristin, on friendly terms with both, however, one of Kristin and Carlos's daughters is a total junkie trainwreck and Kristin and Judy have a tendency to both be rather "outspoken" when it comes to heroin and drugs. Judy really doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about, as she's got little to no experience with drugs and has run off to live in the sticks with her current hubby cause she's terrified of the "big bad scary city". Whatever. Anyway, what really bother's me is how they're both quick to use Carlos as their "poster child" in their anti-heroin crusade where they're pointing their fingers and casting blame on everyone that was supposedly around back when he died. It's both pathetic and absurd, particularly with Judy as claims he was one of her "best friends" which is a complete crock of shit, it's nothing more than a ploy for sympathy and attention. There's no fucking way Carlos would have considered her one of his best friends. I could have easily exposed her and called her on her bullshit (still can), however, at my age and where I'm at now, I've learned the concept of "choosing my battles". Carlos has been dead thirteen years now, and really it wouldn't be in my best interest to do so. But I could... Anyway, as I said, Judy was the first to chime in... I ignored her, plus a couple of comments that dug the pic overrode her self-righteous babble and she never spoke up again.
Then there was Pete, a former gutter level hardcore, shit in your pants streetwise fucking junkie, whose pretty much seen and experienced every dark crevice of junkie hell one could imagine. I actually have a lot of respect for Pete, so I won't harsh too bad on him, I was just a bit surprised, cause I could tell the pic kinda bothered him and he was holding back what was really on his mind. Pete's a good guy and a great success story as far as where he's come from and where he's at now. Still a shithead, but I say that with respect and a smile.
Next was Jamye, the who had replaced Alice as the female vocalist in my band, A.P.D. That one was a real piece of work. Jamye is also a former junkie, supposedly clean four years, (I found out later that she'd been "chasing the dragon" with her ex-bf Phenochs around the time she came at me with her commentary) She's extremely insecure, has zero sense of irony or sense of humor and can't really function unless she's got some sort of intoxicant in her system. She's supposed to be on legally prescribed meds to deal with her emotional and mental issues but refuses to take them due to said insecurities and has literally every kind of psychological issue that a female is known to have. Anyway, she left a comment babbling some bullshit about me always "trying to be shocking" or some horseshit" and then about ten minutes later I receive a rather nasty message from some military guy telling me off about how fucked that photo is and how fucked up of a person I am for posting it and how his buddy in the military recently OD'd on that shit, and that people like me deserve to blah blah blah..... I looked at his page, and yep... mutual friends with that little cunt, Jamye....go figure.  Anyway, I ended up responding to the military guy rather viciously myself, and I assume setting him straight, as I never heard back from the prick.  
Seriously though, fuck that guy and his buddy! I've been clean fifteen years now! It's just a fucking picture, and posting it is not gonna turn someone into a heroin addict or cause someone to run out and OD. Reality is reality, and if someone goes out and accidently, or even purposely kills themself on that shit, that's on them, not me. Our decisions are our own. I made the conscious decision twenty around years ago to start and the barely-conscious decision fifteen years ago to stop. Probably one of my smarter choices in life, cause believe me, I've made a lot of bad ones.
...and like anyone's prowling around my Facebook page anyway, hahaha!

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