Thursday, October 16, 2014

Night of JOLT!

I saw this picture this picture online of this can of Jolt and remembered the only time that I recall drinking it. It wasn't all that great as far as taste went, and I don't really remember felling all that "jacked" as I was already a fairly high strung person at the time as it was. Anyway, here's the story:
It was mid-1987 and I was very hostile, angry and punk as fuck! I had moved out of
my parents house in late spring into a one bedroom apartment at the invitation of a friend I'd known since we were kids. I had no job, no source of income and pretty much no clue about how life worked, but naturally, like most guys at that age, I thought I had it all figured out and I knew it all. After I moved in, a couple other friends moved in as well. I took over the bedroom closet which functioned as my room, and we had our own little party pad going! For about three months anyway before we all got tossed out on our asses... 
Anyway, I was far to stubborn and prideful to go crawling back home to my parents house so I decided I'd just "live on the streets" or where ever I ended up, which worked out half the time, since I didn't have much as far as possessions, blankets and some clothes and a few things I could stash here and there or at friends houses. Other than that, I'd just party every night somewhere and usually just crash where ever that was or go home with someone and crash and their house, and if nothing panned out from that, it was still warm enough to where I'd find a rooftop, a doorway or side of a building to crash for the night. I tried a laundry room at a nearby big chain motel but got chased out by a manager. 
It was during this time that I experienced my first vicious hangover of my adult life, which fortunately I was able to sleep it off for a couple days at a friends house, after which I decided to cut alcohol out of my life and just stick to drugs. Understand, drugs for me back then consisted of mostly weed, it was very rare that I imbibed in anything else. 

Anyway, one night I found myself feeling in an especially foul mood. I was dealing with a lot of anger issues back then, and on this night I was particularly on edge. Back then my hair was cropped about a quarter on an inch all the way around with about 3 or 4 uneven clumps about an inch long in random spots. I sported a pair of beat up combat boots, cuffed jeans, a trashy denim jacket and I carried a crow bar in inside pocket of it. So that night, like I mentioned, I was in "a mood" and I had turned down an offer to crash in an empty camper shell in my friends yard, so he kicked me down five bucks. I walked over to the Circle K over at Lomas & Eubank and bought myself a six pack of Jolt Cola and then wandered over and sat on the curb at Hotel Circle just south of Lomas Blvd and drank one can after the other while glaring at the passing traffic. Today, that whole area is totally developed, all kinda of stores and restaurants, in fact, where I was sitting that night, there's a mortuary now, but back then it was just mostly vacant lots and land, and people used to park their used cars along that stretch of Lomas Blvd that they were trying to sell. So I finished about 4 of those cans of Jolt and proceeded to take my crowbar and pretty much make every car sitting on that lot "not fit for purchase". I smashed out every headlight, almost all of the passenger windows, tail lights and anything else I could destroy. I wasn't exactly quiet either. I'm truly amazed I didn't get caught or attract any sort of attention considering there's houses just right across Lomas. Afterwards, I wandered over to nearby Tomasita Elementary School and hid in these tunnel things that they had on the playground and watched the police cars patrol and spotlight the area for a bit before they moved on. I was totally calm and fearless while all this was going on. After a little while, I came out of the tunnel things and walked back toward the mess I made and then passed on by then headed to the rooftop where I sometimes slept where my blankets and other stuff were stashed and crashed for the night. I still had my other two cans of Jolts too!

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