Saturday, December 26, 2015

About Christmas...

All these years I thought I despised Christmas. Well turns out, Christmas isn't so bad, in fact, for the most part, it's fairly harmless. What fucking sucks, is Christmas Eve! Here's why:
First of all, Christmas Eve is when those folks that are the type to get all full blown miserable/depresso triggered by holiday bliss (or lack there of), this is definitely when it's gonna happen, and I for one DO NOT wanna deal with that if I don't have to.
Second, people begin acting extra and nice, which okay, maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing, but insincerity and bullshit is still insincerity and bullshit, and if you're anything like me, you can see right through that nonsense, and it comes off anywhere from comical to excruciatingly irritating, depending on the source.
And Third, there's that overly sentimental way that some people tend to act toward and look at me that. Just. Creeps. Me. The. Fuck. Out.
So, uh... yeah, no thank you, none of that for me, I think I'll just play like the family pet on the 4th of July and hide under the bed till tomorrow or something like that. That's Christmas Eve to me!

Christmas Day, on the other hand, once the mayhem and chaos of attacking the tree and opening presents is all over and done (if that's part of your ritual, that is...), and everyone involved is sitting around in a "wasteland of wrapping paper and empty boxes" procrastinating the clean up process, it all feels rather calm and kinda anti-climactic when you really think about it and really, Christmas becomes just another inconvenient day of closed businesses, unless you live in a larger city where they understand that imposed  "cabin fever" around the holidays is not good thing

And as for myself... I'm basically indifferent for the most part when it comes to the whole Christmas thing. I don't mind getting new clothes and all, but other than that, I can take it or leave it. I am willing to "play along" to make certain people happy but don't expect any "Halmark Card moments" out of me and any drama that presents itself is cause for my immediate exit. Other than that, fuck it, Merry Xmas!

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